How it works

Would you like to know how it works? There's nothing easier – see the details below.
Order form
Once our editors finish working on your order, your document will be ready for download. We guarantee timely delivery of your document. Your order will be available in your personal account, and you will need to either approve it or send it back for a revision. If you would like your document to be delivered to your email, select “Send final to email”.
Our services are prepaid, which means that editors will get down to your document as soon as your payment is received. Also, making a money transfer marks the start of the deadline countdown for your order.
Our customers have already improved thousands of their documents and keep coming back for more. We are happy to say that our clients can trust us, and we are committed to providing a great service to maintain our reputation. If you are concerned about the security of your online details when you use our services, you needn't be as your payment goes through a secure online payment processor.
Submit payment

While other services may charge you for some of the most popular features, here's what you get with us:

  • Free formatting
  • Free plagiarism check
  • Free email delivery
  • Free revisions
  • Free “My previous editor” option
Your full financial details will only be known to the secure payment system who will process your transaction. We will only get your basic information, such as your name, billing address, the last four digits of your card and your phone number, which will be used for the purpose of verification.
Order in progress

Our expert editors are ready to work on your order 24/7. They have been handpicked by our Quality Assurance Department so that you could enjoy outstanding experience provided by our editing services.

It is even possible to have your document written according to the rules of the British or American English. Simply let us know about this in the order form, and we will find a suitable editor.

You can discuss your document with your editor right from your personal account. Simply sign in, find your order and hit the button. For reasons of privacy, this is the only allowed way of communication with the person who is working on your document. This way, we can guarantee additional security and availability of all the payment transactions in the near future.
Order delivered
Once the editor finish working on your order, we will send you an email notification. You will be able to download your document in your personal account. You can also have the document emailed to your inbox, but this is possible only once you approve the document. If you would like to see the document in your email, press the “Send final to email” button.
By a preview we mean a watermarked image of your document in .jpg format. You will be able to read it and see if all your requirements have been met. If yes, you can easily approve it and download an editable version of your document.
If you see that some of your requirements have not been met, you can get the document revised three times for free! Sending your document for revision is easier before approval. You can also have it revised after you hit the Approve button. This will require you to contact our Customer Support Representatives. For details, read our Revision Policy.
We will scan your document for plagiarism and will let you know if the document you upload is original or not. We can also provide you with an official report on the level of plagiarism in your document. The prices for it are as follows: 1-10 double-spaced pages - $9.99, plus $1 for every extra page; 1-5 single-spaced pages - $9.99, plus $2 for each additional page.